Currently under contruction
Richmond and Twickenham Clarion Cycling Clubs
Richmond and Twickenham Clarion Cycling Club in the 1940's
Saturday 14th December 1946 - Richmond Herald
CYCLING Clarion Cycling Club The Richmond and Twickenham Sections are sharing a new clubroom at "The Three" Beath-road. Twickenham. where members will in future meet as 7.30 n.m. every Wednesday. All Clarion and unattached cyclists will be programme was to a short run because of the weather. To-day (Saturday) Use bidders of both sections are spending the week-end in Worthing. and .19111. leave York House, Twickenham, at 2.30 p.m. They will be met by the social sections on Sunday. at "The Dog and Duck,•' near 'Horsham, for tea. Social riders meet at 2.30 a.m. at "The Orange Tree." Richmond. or 9 45 a.ln. at )(Nark House. Twickenham
Sunday 22nd March 1947 - Richmond Herald
Clarion Cycling Club Lent Sunday Richmond and Twickenham social riders went to Crawley. where they met the hardriders returning from Brhthton. The weather was fine until teatime, when the showers came; but the run home was completed before the evening gale. To-morrow's (Sunday'S) run is to Sevenoaks. Richmond Section's secretary is K. Stewart. 3. Little St. Leonards. S.W., and Twickenham's is A. flannel]. 16, Cornwall-road, Twickenham.