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Middlesex Clarion Cycling and Athletics Club


Thanks to many reports in the Richmond Herald and other newspapers it is possible to learn a great deal about Middlesex Clarion and Athletics Club from its creation in December 1948. There were lots of newspapers which mentioned Jean Dunn who was the women's National 500m sprint champion in 1957, 1958 and 1959. 


Bayswater Chronicle - Friday 17 December 1948

West London Clarion Call The new Middlesex Clarion Cycling and Athletic Club becomes the controlling body of racing for all National Clarion members in the West of London. This new body . (secretary: G. Booker, 4 Berrymede Road, W. 4.) has come into existence following discussions about existing administrative difficulties at the recent A.G.M. of the London Clarion Cycling and Athletic Club​


​Richmond Herald - Saturday 18 December 1948​

Clarion Cycling Club Members attended the list club night of the new Clarion racing section. known as the Middlesex Clarion C. & A on 10th December. The clubroom is at the Oddfellows Hall. Acton, W. 3. and the ractng men will meet there every Friday. The Middlesex Clarion is now affiliated to the Road Time Trial's Council . Richmond and Twickenham Section runs continue, and club night is Thursday at the "Queen's Head," Twickenham, where darts, table tennis. etc., are available. Membere wish their many friends "A Very Happy Christmas".​​


Richmond Herald - Saturday 05 March 1949

Clarion Cycling Club Sunday's ride to St. Albans was a battle against the elements, but perhaps the lack of energy shown by some members was due to the dance held by the Kensington and Fulham Section and Middlesex Clarion C. & A.C. at Hammersmith on Saturday. A visit to the historic abbey was very popular, and after tea the run home was fast and easythanks to the wind. The hardriders had another tough training run to the coast, Brighton being the target, and they report a successful ride. These boys are getting really St now. and all wish them luck in their tirst time trial of 1949. next Sunday. The intermediates will visit Leith Hill this week-end, with tea at Abinger Hammer. A grand social will be held in March.


Richmond Herald - Saturday 30 April 1949

CYCLING Clarion Cycling Club Those who attended the Shrewsbury Met of the National Clarion are full of praise for the iospitality Sound there. The local authorities helped to make the visitors' stay a success. and it should be remembered that 700 cyclists stayed there for three days. in his first 50-mile event this year. Tohn Knight completed the Bath-road hil:y vurse in 2hrs. 25min. on Sunday. Members of he Middlesex Clarion rode In the Rockingham castle mass start on the same day. _ The normal section was to Burnham leeches for elevenses. Amersham for lunch and Ricksmansworth for tea at a well-known lyclists' "eating hotoe." "The Old Tannery." visit to the local "Aquadrome" tcund members sun-bathing and watching the yachting luring the afternoon.


Richmond Herald - Saturday 08 October 1949

​CLARION CYCLING CLUB Last Sunday the Middlesex Clarion won the "Tommy Atkins" Trophy. Winner was yor.4 "Blackpool" Yates. who covered the 25 rnttes in lhr. 3min. on a difficult course. John Knight's time in this event, lhr. 6min., wit:: J. Johnson 2min. slower. Members of this section will be on dot' . at the Cycle Show at Earls Court, which opens in two weeks' time.


Richmond Herald - Saturday 19 November 1949

Middlesex Clarion C. & A.C. will be held in Great Newport-street. near Leicester Square. at 2.30 p.m. _ . . Several members have entered the "100 in 61" reliability trial on December 4th.


Richmond Herald - Saturday 26 November 1949

​CLARION C. & A.C. The annual general meeting of the Middlesex Clarion Cycling and Athletic Club last Saturday put the spotlight on the first year's achievements. Since its formation the membership has steadily increased and now stands at 114. During the first season it has promoted road and tratk events and a massstart, and all riders agree that these were rim In an efficient manner. They were fortunate in having British competition record broken by George Fell (Becontree Wheelers) in the club's first "open" 23 miles' time trial, with the Incredible time of 58min. Next year more events will be held, and a dinner and dance Is planned during this winter. 


Richmond Herald - Saturday 15 April 1950​

Middlesex Clarion Getting away to an early start to attend the Easter meet, members left thursday evening and stayed the night at Harpenden, Herts. With a following wind on Friday the remainng 150 miles soon sped by and Buxton was reached before dark. On Saturday afternoon delegates attended the conference and at the dance in the evening many old acquaintances were renewed with racing lads from all parts of the country. Leaving Sunday mid-day. the overnight stay was at Leicester. and the remainder of the Journey came Monday being made in heavy rain and strong headwinds. The results of the "25" run early on the Sunday morning are not yet known.


Richmond Herald - Saturday 22 April 1950​

Middlesex Clarion In the 20 miles Junior massed start event at Matching Green last Sunday, M. Kenny did well to finish sixth after an exciting race. E. Saunders was unfortunate in puncturing in the last lap. In the senior 40 miles event the pace was fast throughout, and although many attempts were made to break away from the field, nobody succeeded in getting away. In the sprint finish from a large bunch, Johnny Johnson came fourth. B. Dews and Johnny Wright following very close behind. The club 25 miles time trial was won by A. Ford in lhr. 6min. 15sec. On the occasion of their departure from the Bull Hotel, a number of officials of the club entertained Mr. and Mrs. W. Crabbe to dinner on Friday of last week. It was in the nature of a farewell party and a very merry time was enjoyed by those present, who numbered 17 in all. There were no formalities or speeches. but Mrs. Crabbe did have a few words to say recalling the very happy relations which existed with the club, particularly in regard to the dances which have now become a regular feature during the winter Last week-end the social section season. had a coast run to Shoreham. The The club chairman. Mr. Charles track section had 12 members train- Phillips, and the secretary. Mr. J. A. Ing at Slough and the racing boys Ennis, conveyed the club's real competed in the Middlesex R.C. "25" appreciation of Mr. and Mrs. Crabbe's on the Bath-road. Fastest riders for co-operation and assistance at their the Ross were W. Bartlett (13.58) and social functions which had always J. Smallworth (1.4.55). Tea last week been held at the "Bull." was booked at Mint Avons, Lower Following the meal, the whole party Kingswood. This week most of the adjourned to the Penrhyn Rooms, club boys will be contesting in the where the dancing continued until S.W.L.C. "25" at Staines. Tea is midnight. booked at Sandhurst Café, Camberley. The club have their first game of Don't forget the new club room is at the season to-morrow, when they visit the "Greyhound," Kew Green. Ditton Hill to play Surbiton Town. â€‹


Richmond Herald - Saturday 27 May 1950​

Middlesex Clarion In the club's open 25 miles T.T., which attracted a first-class field, C. Marriner turned the tables on last year's winner and competition record holder, 0. Fell, with a fastest of the season ride of 58 mins. 43 secs. Fell was second with 59.14 and G. Bentley third, with his first under the hour ride of 59.45. The club's three Junior entrants all returned times within 1 hr. 4 mins. _ _ On the Saturday afternoon previous, in the 62} miles massed start event at Finsbury Park, L. Procter had the misfortune to become entangled with two riders in the final sprint for the line, thereby spoiling his chances of a place. J. Knight finished one lap down, after the majority of the riders had retired.


Star Green 'un - Saturday 10 August 1957

Record soon broken Jean Dunn (Middlesex* Clarion), a 23-year-old housewife, with a time of 68.2 sec. smashed the weekold national womens 880-yard standing start cycling record at Coventry. Previous best was sot up by Pam Hudson (Yorkshire Century) at Manchester last Saturday. BEVERLEY RACES WBdutday& Thursday, 14th ft 15th AUfiOST, 1957 FIRST RACE 2.30 p.m


Birmingham Mail - Saturday 21 June 1958

Cycling record Mrs. Jean Dunn (Middlesex Clarion) broke her own quartermile standing start Cycling record at Herne Hill. London. today Her previous figures were 39 4 seconds . Today she returned 33.4 seconds 


Portsmouth Evening News - Saturday 02 August 1958​

JEAN DUNN of Middlesex Clarion, the English women's sprint champion, who will race at the cycle meeting at Alexandra Park on Monday afternoon.


Portsmouth Evening News - Tuesday 05 August 1958

RETAINED TITLE English women's 500 metres sprint champion, Jean Dunn (Middlesex Clarion), retained her title for a second year, beating II other women riders.


Middlesex County Times - Saturday 11 July 1959

Mrs Jean Dunn (Middlesex Clarion), of Stanmore, shattered another woman's cycling reoord on Saturday. In the halfmile tandem paced event she lowered the previous time of I min 2.2 sec to 55.9 sec. 


Daily Mirror - Tuesday 04 August 1959

Jean Dunn (Middlesex Clarion) retained her women's national sprint cycling title (500 metres) at Portsmouth yesterday by beating Valerie Rainbow (Monckton, Yorks) in two straight rides.


Wolverhampton Express and Star - Friday 01 February 1963

RECORD ENTRY FOR HARLOW EVENT The national cyclo-cross championship at Harlow on Sunday has drawn a record entry of 123, with riders coming from Yorkshire, Lancashire, the Midlands, Bristol and London. John Atkins, aged 20, of Coventry, will be defending his title, and the field includes the rest of the British team named for the world’s championship on February 17 in Calais. They are: Keith Mernickle (Middlesex Clarion).


Hammersmith & Shepherds Bush Gazette - Thursday 07 July 1966

COME-BACK Derek Thomas, an Acton cyclist. made a great come-back after nine years lay-off, to take fifth place in the West London Cycling Association's Annual 100 mile time trial. Thomas also took the handicap prizes, and fed his club. the Middlesex Clarion, to a team victory. 


Westminster & Pimlico News - Friday 06 July 1979​

RESULTS 10 lap "3" ser: RON HUGHES, Middlesex Clarion CC; 2. G. Locke, Middlesex Clarion CC;



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