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London Clarion Cycle Club Constitution

  1. That the Club be called the London Clarion Cycle Club.

  2. ​That its Objects be mutual aid, good fellowship and the advancement of the principles of socialism.

  3. That the Club will be organised as a collective, led by a vanguard (Club Secretary & Treasurer / Website & Membership Administrator).

  4. That an AGM will be held once a year at which levels of subscriptions will be decided (if necessary), any large expenditures considered and future events discussed.

  5. That all members will be welcomed. However, any member holding extreme views not conducive to the objects of the Club may be excluded.

  6. That all members will be issued with a Membership Card and updated by occasional e-mail.

  7. That all members will be encouraged to wear a piece of London Clarion kit on Club runs.

  8. That all members will be encouraged to hold some sort of 3rd Party Liability Insurance (whether National Clarion Cycling Club or otherwise).

  9. For members affiliating to the National Clarion Cycling Club membership shall have deemed to have lapsed if not renewed by the end of January each year.

  10. That no liability will be accepted by the Club or any of its members for any member who is injured on a Club run.

  11. That all members will be encouraged to wear a cycling helmet but that it is not compulsory to do so, except in exceptional circumstances where a landowner dictates (which is outside the Club’s control).

  12. That any member on a ride can voice their concern about a choice of route.

  13. That any costs incurred by a member organising an event will be divided equally and paid for by the attendees. That said, special consideration will be given to those not in work or of limited means.

Club Secretary - Alex Southern
Treasurer / Website & Membership Administrator - Alan Kiddle
​Photographer - James Houston

Copyright 2025 by London Clarion Cycle Club

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